For *those that have just lost their keys *those that are well-versed *inebriated ones *wanderers *mermaids *those that belong elsewhere *whippersnappers *marvelous ones *those that are not included in this classification *those that flutter because the moment is fleeting *boundless ones *those colored with slippery fingerpaint *others *those that resemble someone I know from a distance

Thursday, March 16, 2006

We sleep in nests, people

One time I was talking with someone about how apes build nests to sleep in. They gather together some nice looking leaves, lay them down, and then sleep on them. It seems a little strange when you think about it. But it really is not that different from birds sleeping in nests. Which is when I realized that birds' nests are really just beds.

Which is when I realized that human beings sleep in nests. Because beds are really just nests.

Which made me happy.

Which is when I realized I'm a dork



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