Happy 4th Anniversary!

I've had this bloggity blog for 4 years. Four years! In that time I have bought and sold 4 cars with reckless abandon, procrastinated, moved twice, written a lot of drunken poetry-prose, changed jobs twice, started my third graduate program, slept with 5 people I really shouldn't have, avoided 2 nervous breakdowns, thought I met the perfect guy 3 times, been to Flipside 3 times, built a labyrinth in the mountains, dated a narcissistic asshole, danced A LOT!, turned 30, become oodles more sane, made an unfortunate amount of puns, tried to learn to love the ebb just like the flow, had quite a bit to drink, dreamt about the ocean, quit smoking 3 times, thought a lot about icebergs as metaphors, marked the passage of time by the smell of flowers, become a little obsessed with crystals, met a slew of amazingly magical and lovely people, gotten a tattoo, voted for Obama!, become increasingly fond of exclamation points, had at least 35 magical weekends, been unceasingly stressed for 10 months (and counting), clarified the relationship between consciousness and matter, possibly remembered a past life, and said good-bye to one of the best cats in the entire world.
In short, its been a lot.

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